Jennifer Gehr (1984) is a successful award winning internationally exhibiting artist based in Switzerland. She was educated in serveral international art schools for example in Barcelona, Madrid and Florence. Her work mainly focusses on realistic oil painting. She works in the style of the «old masters» which means that every painting is crafted in many layers to get a unique expression in her work. It is a process which requires time and a high level of precision. Her trademark is her special brushstroke which looks a bit like pixels in a photograph. This gives the realistic work a modern and contemporary touch. Her current collection focuses on portraits of the female form in black and white. «In our world and ethical understanding people figure that things are often good or bad – black or white. But that’s not true – there is so much in between. Uncountable shades of «grey», Jennifer explains her motivation of this choice. Being a passioned photographer herself she is inspired by photografic effects like in fashion. She plays with strong contrasts composing her subjects in fascinating poses. Her current empowering collection is themed «Every girl who dreams becomes a woman with a vision». With her paintings Jennifer aquired national and international attention. In 2019 she won a prize in New York and she exhibited in renowned art fairs and galleries all over Europe. US newspapers and TV and newspapers in Switzerland wrote about her and her work. In addition she is a book author for EMF Munich and a teacher and mentor for aspriring artists. The following pages give an insight about her current work.

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